フッターは、ページの下部に配置されるページのルートコンポーネントです。1つ以上の ツールバー のラッパーとして使用することが推奨されますが、あらゆる要素をラップするために使用することができます。ツールバーがフッターの中で使用される場合、コンテンツは正しいサイズに調整され、フッターはデバイスセーフエリアを考慮したものになります。
<ion-content class="ion-padding">
プロパティを設定することで、ネイティブのiOSアプリケーションに見られるような透明度に合わせることができます。フッターの後ろにスクロールするコンテンツを見るには、コンテンツに fullscreen
プロパティを設定する必要があります。この効果は、モードが "ios"
で、デバイスが backdrop-filter をサポートしている場合にのみ適用されます。
<ion-content [fullscreen]="true" class="ion-padding">
<h1>Animal Facts</h1>
alt="rhino standing near grass"
The rhinoceros gets its name from one of its most notable features: its horns. The word rhinoceros come from the
Greek words rhino meaning “nose” and ceros meaning “horn.” The number of horns that a rhino has varies on the
species. The two African species (the black rhino and the white rhino) and the Sumatran rhino have two horns, while
the Javan rhino and one-horned rhino have one horn.
<h2>Sea Turtle</h2>
alt="brown sea turtle in water"
Sea turtles are characterized by a large, streamlined shell and non-retractile head and limbs. Unlike other turtles,
sea turtles cannot pull their limbs and head inside their shells. Their limbs are flippers that are adapted for
swimming, so they are vulnerable while on land.
alt="giraffe sticking its tongue out"
Giraffes are known for their long, tall appearance. They have a small hump on their back like a camel and have a
spotted pattern similar to that of a leopard. Because of the combination of these features, some people called the
giraffe a “camel-leopard.” That’s where the giraffe’s species name “camelopardalis” comes from.
alt="two grey elephants on grass plains during sunset"
Elephants are the largest existing land animal, with massive bodies, large ears, and long trunks. Elephants’ long
trunks are multifunctional. They are used to pick up objects, trumpet warnings, greet other elephants, or suck up
water for drinking or bathing.
alt="black and white dolphin in water"
Dolphins range in color depending on the species, from white, pearl, and pink to darker shades of brown, gray, blue,
and black. They have smooth skin, flippers, and a dorsal fin. They have a long, slender snout with about 100 teeth
and a streamlined body. They have a single blowhole on top of their head, which has a flap that opens to reveal a
pair of nostrils. The dolphin uses these nostrils for breathing when it surfaces.
<ion-footer [translucent]="true">
多くのネイティブiOSアプリケーションは、ツールバーにフェード効果を持たせています。これは、フッターの collapse
プロパティを "fade"
に設定することで実現できます。コンテンツが最後までスクロールされると、フッターの背景とボーダーはフェードアウトします。この効果は、モードが "ios"
<ion-content class="ion-padding">
<h1>Animal Facts</h1>
alt="rhino standing near grass"
The rhinoceros gets its name from one of its most notable features: its horns. The word rhinoceros come from the
Greek words rhino meaning “nose” and ceros meaning “horn.” The number of horns that a rhino has varies on the
species. The two African species (the black rhino and the white rhino) and the Sumatran rhino have two horns, while
the Javan rhino and one-horned rhino have one horn.
<h2>Sea Turtle</h2>
alt="brown sea turtle in water"
Sea turtles are characterized by a large, streamlined shell and non-retractile head and limbs. Unlike other turtles,
sea turtles cannot pull their limbs and head inside their shells. Their limbs are flippers that are adapted for
swimming, so they are vulnerable while on land.
alt="giraffe sticking its tongue out"
Giraffes are known for their long, tall appearance. They have a small hump on their back like a camel and have a
spotted pattern similar to that of a leopard. Because of the combination of these features, some people called the
giraffe a “camel-leopard.” That’s where the giraffe’s species name “camelopardalis” comes from.
alt="two grey elephants on grass plains during sunset"
Elephants are the largest existing land animal, with massive bodies, large ears, and long trunks. Elephants’ long
trunks are multifunctional. They are used to pick up objects, trumpet warnings, greet other elephants, or suck up
water for drinking or bathing.
alt="black and white dolphin in water"
Dolphins range in color depending on the species, from white, pearl, and pink to darker shades of brown, gray, blue,
and black. They have smooth skin, flippers, and a dorsal fin. They have a long, slender snout with about 100 teeth
and a streamlined body. They have a single blowhole on top of their head, which has a flap that opens to reveal a
pair of nostrils. The dolphin uses these nostrils for breathing when it surfaces.
<ion-footer collapse="fade">
フェードフッターを正しく動作させるためには、スクロールコンテナが必要です。仮想スクロールソリューションを使用する場合は、カスタムスクロールターゲットを提供する必要があります。コンテンツのスクロールを無効にし、スクロールを担当する要素に .ion-content-scroll-host
- src/app/example.component.html
- src/app/example.component.css
<ion-content [scrollY]="false">
<div class="ion-content-scroll-host ion-padding">
<h1>Animal Facts</h1>
alt="rhino standing near grass"
The rhinoceros gets its name from one of its most notable features: its horns. The word rhinoceros come from the
Greek words rhino meaning “nose” and ceros meaning “horn.” The number of horns that a rhino has varies on the
species. The two African species (the black rhino and the white rhino) and the Sumatran rhino have two horns,
while the Javan rhino and one-horned rhino have one horn.
<h2>Sea Turtle</h2>
alt="brown sea turtle in water"
Sea turtles are characterized by a large, streamlined shell and non-retractile head and limbs. Unlike other
turtles, sea turtles cannot pull their limbs and head inside their shells. Their limbs are flippers that are
adapted for swimming, so they are vulnerable while on land.
alt="giraffe sticking its tongue out"
Giraffes are known for their long, tall appearance. They have a small hump on their back like a camel and have a
spotted pattern similar to that of a leopard. Because of the combination of these features, some people called the
giraffe a “camel-leopard.” That’s where the giraffe’s species name “camelopardalis” comes from.
alt="two grey elephants on grass plains during sunset"
Elephants are the largest existing land animal, with massive bodies, large ears, and long trunks. Elephants’ long
trunks are multifunctional. They are used to pick up objects, trumpet warnings, greet other elephants, or suck up
water for drinking or bathing.
alt="black and white dolphin in water"
Dolphins range in color depending on the species, from white, pearl, and pink to darker shades of brown, gray,
blue, and black. They have smooth skin, flippers, and a dorsal fin. They have a long, slender snout with about 100
teeth and a streamlined body. They have a single blowhole on top of their head, which has a flap that opens to
reveal a pair of nostrils. The dolphin uses these nostrils for breathing when it surfaces.
<ion-footer collapse="fade">
モードでは、フッターは上部に box-shadow
モードでは、上部に border
が表示されます。これらは、フッターに .ion-no-border
<ion-content class="ion-padding">
<ion-footer class="ion-no-border">
Description | フッターに適用されるスクロール効果を記述します。iOS modeでのみ適用されます。 |
Attribute | collapse |
Type | "fade" | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | modeは、どのプラットフォームのスタイルを使用するかを決定します。 |
Attribute | mode |
Type | "ios" | "md" |
Default | undefined |
Description | true の場合、フッターは半透明になります。modeが "ios" で、デバイスが backdrop-filter をサポートしている場合のみ適用されます。 注意:フッターの後ろにコンテンツをスクロールさせるためには、コンテンツに fullscreen 属性が設定されている必要があります。 |
Attribute | translucent |
Type | boolean |
Default | false |
No events available for this component.
No public methods available for this component.
CSS Shadow Parts
No CSS shadow parts available for this component.
No CSS custom properties available for this component.
No slots available for this component.